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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Opieki nad Zwierzętami Nadzieja na Dom

I am Leoś. I am three months old, almost three and a half. I reach with my head to your calf, maybe up to half. I have leukemia, I know this yuuuuck virus but I can still be yours.
Illness does not prejudge anything because, as being a cat toddler, I jumps, hunt for the mouse and do not care. Aunt give me medicine: vetomunka.
This imporves my immunity and adds me vitamins. Do not be afraid of me, because leukemia is not leprosy or oiling wounds. I will not infect you or your child or your dog or your mother.
I am huggy, purring, playing and loved. We will beat with your concern and love every virus. So do not think too long and please do not sentence me to four wall frames. When you adopt me, I promise that I will be your friend forever.

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